Did you ever have something you remember happening when you were a kid but now that you're grow up you question if it really happened or not? Lately I've been having this problem & for most of these innicidents, the truth may not be ever known. See, I was an extreme daydreamer. I would constantly be stuck in a fanasty world and would be totally caught up in my mind. My daydreaming was so over the edge at times though I would get excited and lose control of my body. Without realizing it I would rock back and forth twirling my fingers while moving my lips at the same time. My mom laughs at me now remembering seeing me do this all the time while I was on the swing set. She says, "What the hell were you doing anyway?" My 1st grade teacher was frightened by it because during the parent/teacher conference he recommended I be evaluated by the child study team because as he quoted, "She does this weird thing with her hands." I can laugh on this now but back then it was really embarrassing when I was seen doing this. So now that I am some what of a normal adult I think back on things I remember seeing or happening but I wonder if it was just a figment of my ?....Or did it imagination really happen?
Incident One: "The Easter Bunny"
To this day, I swear that I seen this. At the time it happened I only told my mom right after I seen it, but I haven't spoke on this until a few years ago. My mom still thinks I crazy for saying that I seen the Easter bunny. It probably was just a really vivid dream but god damn I'm telling you it seemed as real as day. Even now! I'm starting to convince myself that it was someone dressed in a bunny costume & was terrorizing the neighborhood. I started thinking that maybe someone was trying to break into my house, but then why the hell would they do that wearing a bunny costume? I really think I did see it & the only explanation I can come up with is that it was a teenager dressed in a costume doing it for laughs. I remember like it was yesterday. Back then, our living room is where my bedroom is now. Our green couch is exactly where my bed is now. That one night before Easter I was laying on that green couch watching TV like I normally did in those days. I'm pretty sure it was the Bugs Bunny Easter Special that was on. I laid there in all of our television set while my mother stood in the next room talking on the phone most likely to my grandmother. I don't know why I got up to look but I did. The living room had all these big windows around it including the two located behind the couch I was laying on. When got up I just pulled open the blind & looked down for some reason. That's when I saw it. Big white rabbit feet. I moved my eyes up to see the rest, ...the white bunny body and stopping at the neck where there was a blue bow tie around it. I jumped back down on the couch. I was too scared to look at the rabbits face but I was sure it was the Easter bunny. Now only was it right outside the window but it was standing a half a foot away from the window & staring directly at me. I screamed for my mom who poked her head around the corner still yapping away on the phone. I told her the that the Easter bunny was right out the window & she told me it was a dream & no one was there. She went back to her phone call but I remember the terror as I laid there & wondering if that rabbit was still there watching me. My mom still says it was a dream though it could have been I really don't think so. And unless a burglar in a bunny costume steps forward, I may never know the truth.
Incident #2: "The Magic Priest"
This I must admit, I believed for years until I realized it was impossible. Sometimes as children we perceive things wrong & I think that's what I must have done in this case. I used to be some what of a catholic back in the day & one that was forced to go to Sunday School & Church. Once again it was the Easter Holiday, Holy Saturday the day before Easter to be exact, & I was dragged to St. Joes Church by mom on that religious day. (Now a days my mom's a bigger agnostic then me by the way) I was real little at this time, probably about 4 or so, because I remember my brother being an infant in my mom's arms. I was bored out of my mind & couldn't keep my attention on the priest who was wearing a white robe. I drew my attention to the floor when suddenly I heard the entire congregation laughing. I looked up & saw the priest coming out of a cloud of smoke with a designed purple robe on now. He had a huge smile on his face & he had his arms open wide, almost like that "tah-dah" pose. I thought what I saw was the priest do a magic trick, coming out of a proof of smoke now in a brand new fancy robe & the audience laughed at the priest's magic "joke." For years I believed this & when I brought it up to my mom she said, "That never happened." What I really believe was I must have been staring at the floor longer then what I thought & while I was admiring the tiles the priest must have changed robes. Technically what the priest wears is called a "vestment" & the purple robe is normally worn during lent which I just learned. The priest had probably been swinging a thurible burning incense or myrrh inside which is a normal ceremony in catholic church on Easter. That would explain the smoke and the robe change but what about the laughter? He had most likely just got done adding a little humor to his sermon, that's all. That's what I believe happened now. It's just funny how real it seemed when I remember it.
Incident Three:(TK from Philly 57)
My final questioned memory for this time lies with something I know I saw & not just once, but a many of times. Growing in NJ we had a TV station WGBS-TV called "Philly 57", now known as The CW. The station used to play all kinds of old reruns but after school was the time when the cartoons would come playing. They had some great shows like Dennis the Menace, Dinosaucers, Smurfs, ....all the great ones.
Many more things that I question are in my head...I'll have to save them for next time.
Not your imagination at all...and it was creepy as all hell! My sisters and I sing the song in some jacked up manner (TK's drunk, or got in a fight, etc) to each other on every birthday. Don't know why or how, but I'd LOVE to find some evidence of TK!
ReplyDeleteTK is definitely real. I was searching for the song and that's how I found this page.